Sunday, September 11, 2011

Swimming Pool Solar Panels - Installation

!9# Swimming Pool Solar Panels - Installation

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Install solar panels pool is a fairly simple way to heat water in your pool and keep a good way to reduce energy costs when compared with conventional sources of electric heat in comparison. Capturing the sun's rays in these inexpensive panels and with them in the heat pump water pool is also a good way to prolong the pleasure of the season, with swimming pool in the cooler seasons of the year.

The first task for the installation of these devices is to know how manySections of the panel you will need to heat your water is sufficient. Most of the pools of all sizes usually takes at least two chambers in order to achieve adequate heating, and do not worry, most manufacturers have easy to use graphics, will tell you the recommended amount of panels needed to heat your swimming pool is just both on their website or package

The next thing you'll want to do, the layout of an area adjacent to or near the pool where you can place the panels. Thisshould be in the area that receives the most sunlight during the day and even if the panels can be tilted so that they can face the sun. Some of these systems are equipped with tubular steel racks that can be adapted during the different seasons, but I have a lot of these are installed with a simple wooden frame, the angle of 45 degrees to see. Once the rack is present, simply place the plates over the frame and secure it with the reports of straps to secure the frame.

If the expansion of solar energyHeaters for your pool you will find that there are two connectors on input and output ends up where you are put on the pump and hoses. Be sure to remove and put somewhere where they do not get lost when you need it, if you need to remove the solar heating system or opt for the winter runoff and store it later. I suggest using a plastic container, which is also attached to the frame somewhere, I like things that I tend to lose in puttingGarage.

Now you want to connect the tubes and plates with 1.5-inch hose clamps provided with the heating or pool supply store can be bought. It 'should also install a manual bypass valve so that the flow of hot water that enters the pool at any given time, be able to adjust. Once these are installed, you can count on the pump and check for leaks.

When you heat your pool, solar modules must keep a cool headContact of cold water is constantly in the exchange of hot water is transferred to the pool. The pump should be rotated during the daylight hours to get the heat from the sun and turned off at night to avoid cooling. This can be done in warm weather in the opposite direction, to cool the pool, because water in the radiator, the largest volume of solar water in the pool at night. They offer a good way to adjust the water temperature in your pool in mostThe kinds of weather.

The only other element that I suggest that you can use with this type of configuration is a solar pool blanket. These are fairly cheap and keep the heat escapes through the prevention of cooling of the surface and also prevent evaporation. Together they work to use solar energy to keep your pool warm and pleasant.

Swimming Pool Solar Panels - Installation

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